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So, does this Sea Wolf I saw qualify as a VINTAGE Zodiac?????

Started by JDS (Ohio), November 02, 2009, 08:57:11 PM

JDS (Ohio)

I was watching one of those History Channel specials the other night, just about 10-15 minutes really, about the "puff the magic dragon" gun ships from the Vietnam days.  They showed a bit of the electronic warfare officer's station in an old clip, and lo and behold the guy raised his left hand as he worked and revealed a Zodiac Sea Wolf 20 ATM, seemingly identical to the one Butch sold me:

So here's a question:  if it's spotted in a film from the 1960s, and so current for the time it was captured on film, is it still a vintage Zodiac???

Kind of cool to spot one in use, in any event.



A bit of a paradox, really, or so it seems at first...

Einstein's not around to help us out, so I'll do the best I can:

As the Pythagorean Theorem of Vintage Relativity Divided by Zero Cubed states, multiplied by Filmed Zodiac Sea Wolf (FZSW) when solving for not Vintage Zodiac (ZV):

(((A²+B²=C²)*(E=MC²))÷0³)*FZSW ≠ ZV = IT

Since a Vintage Zodiac (ZV) is a tangible item (IT), it cannot equal zero, hence the Filmed Zodiac Sea Wolf (FZSW) in question cannot be a Vintage Zodiac (ZV).

Or more simply put, since the watch appeared in 1960's footage, it's the footage that's vintage, not the watch.

However, in the event that the particular watch filmed (FZSW) is currently ticking all in one piece (possibly even in one of our own collections), it would now be considered a VZSW.  If not, lets just hope all it's vintage parts (PV) are living on keeping our VZSW's running!

Unless of course, the footage was in Technicolor (FT).  That changes everything... ;)


Rey de la Playa,
          One of the best responses I have ever seen. Bien hecho caballero!

JDS (Ohio)

Quote from: reydelaplaya on November 03, 2009, 01:58:27 AM
A bit of a paradox, really, or so it seems at first...

Einstein's not around to help us out, so I'll do the best I can:

As the Pythagorean Theorem of Vintage Relativity Divided by Zero Cubed states, multiplied by Filmed Zodiac Sea Wolf (FZSW) when solving for not Vintage Zodiac (ZV):

(((A²+B²=C²)*(E=MC²))÷0³)*FZSW ≠ ZV = IT

Since a Vintage Zodiac (ZV) is a tangible item (IT), it cannot equal zero, hence the Filmed Zodiac Sea Wolf (FZSW) in question cannot be a Vintage Zodiac (ZV).

Or more simply put, since the watch appeared in 1960's footage, it's the footage that's vintage, not the watch.

However, in the event that the particular watch filmed (FZSW) is currently ticking all in one piece (possibly even in one of our own collections), it would now be considered a VZSW.  If not, lets just hope all it's vintage parts (PV) are living on keeping our VZSW's running!

Unless of course, the footage was in Technicolor (FT).  That changes everything... ;)

ROTFLMFAO!!  Dude, you just ain't right!  :P :P   Badfish is dead on, that is one of the absolute best responses I've ever seen too! 

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